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- 🖤 Open Works #007 The Name's Onboarding, Open Onboarding
🖤 Open Works #007 The Name's Onboarding, Open Onboarding
2 minutes of fuel to ignite your Open Culture journey - shipped every 2 weeks.
🪂 My Name Is Open, Open Onboarding
Greetings Pioneers!
Welcome to the seventh edition of Open Org’s newsletter and the 114 Progressive People People who joined since last time. If you’re reading this then three things are probably true:
You don’t need selling on the power of transparency at work.
You love open-source and community-led projects.
You want to contribute to improving the world of work.
👉️ Quick reminder of what’s in the box?
So this is our fortnightly (mostly) drop of tips, resources, memes, templates and insights from our small but mighty community of amazing People People trailblazing workplace transparency in the pursuit of a less opaque, less busted world of work.
"When there is trust, conflict becomes nothing but the pursuit of truth, an attempt to find the best possible answer."
Ready to dive in?
Let’s go.
🎁 Free shit to make your life easier:
We’ve been busy curating the best open onboarding recipes for you.
We’ve curated from over 250 startups/scale-ups and scoured the internet for the tastiest of onboarding recipes so you can cook up something a lil special for your EX.
🔥 🔥 🔥 Introducing the Open Org Onboarding Cookbook!!

People People admiring other People People’s onboarding shizzle.
We’d love to share any of your favourite onboarding recipes and get you featured for internet eternity. Our templates are viewed by approximately 20k People & Talent folks every month.
Hit reply to lmk if you’re down.
Peace ✌️
📖 OpenOrg #Build in Public
🎉 Open Org is going global! We’re kicking off 2 parallel cohorts next week with People and Talent leaders from 6 different countries gaining the skills and toolkit to accelerate their Open Culture journey.
It’s gonna be a blast!
Also, If you’re interested in seeing behind the scenes of 2 Devon dads building an academy and accreditation to help progressive People & Talent leaders rebuild trust in the world of work, then our latest weekly open journal (every Friday) might interest you.
Check it out if that’s your jam 🐝
💡 Transparency Tip
Don’t just share your core values on your careers site. These on their own are kind of meaningless. Share behaviours. Share ‘do’s and don’ts.

Empty Values. Enron. Say no more.
🖐️ Stop: single word, dreamy values statements like “dynamic”, “authentic”, “honest”
👉️ Start: clarifying behaviours you outlaw, behaviours you reinforce. What we ‘do and don’t do’ is way more powerful as a window into your soul culture.
Want a soundboard or need a bit of help here? Hit reply, I’d love to help! 🙂

^ Example from the awesome team at joincandor.com
📚️ Interesting Internet
Things I find that i like. Hope you like them too:
Book: Remote not distant by Gustavo Razzetti is a great culture design read.
Template: Unleashed have designed a brilliant benefits design workshop in the form of a miro template.
Post: Adam’s post on Open Org’s top 10 public employee handbooks went viral. It’s tasty. Enjoy.
Framework: progression.fyi is an awesome collection of open-sourced career development frameworks we keep recommending to folks.
Tool: Jess Zwaan and team are building Peerful to automate performance calibration with 2x accuracy and 4x speed. Waitlist now available.
🎉 Transparency Shoutouts
Celebrating small and big acts of transparency.
Emily Sivey @ Bippit - spills the beans on their recruitment stats, NPS and process. 🎉 Read more
Bill Kerr @ Athyna - Shares their stats and philosophy on diversity at leadership and board 🎉 Read more
Olya Yakzhina @ Switchee - Shares their onboarding metrics including my favourite - ‘The Reality Check’ 🎉 Read more
🦁 Join the Open Culture Revolution
We are actively searching for more progressive People & Talent folks who want to spark change in their orgs. You know workplace transparency is the future of work but your not sure if your leadership team will go for it? You’re exactly the person we’re looking for.
Let’s do this thing! :-)
🇪🇺 OOC#2 and 🇺🇸 OOC#3 are full but if you are keen to join a programme in the New Year... save your spot by saying hi here (next 4 week bootcamp kicks off Jan 16th). Don’t forget to reply to this email with OO10% for a 10% discount on our next one as a thank you for reading our ramblings.
Or hit this big button.👇️
If you’re curious about what we’re building, have an idea or want to collab then Adam and I would love to chat. Our cal is always open here.
With 🧊 & 🔥
John & Adam
p.s 👋 Come say hi on Linkedin

Faces for the radio.